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Hood gets saved by a gunshot

Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma were saved by an anonymous hunter from an attempted murder. The suspect, named “Big Bad Wolf”, was killed by an anonymous hunter with a single gunshot to the head.

Hood was the first to encounter Wolf.

Hood said that she was alone to travel the woods because her mother asked her to bring the cakes to sick Grandma.

Hood also remembered how Wolf swallowed her on their second encounter. According to Hood, when she arrived at Grandma’s cottage, she asked Grandma why she had a deep voice, big eyes, and big hands.

Hood said that the last response was what she did not forget the most. After the Wolf said “The better to eat with you,” she was already inside its mouth.

Grandma, who was inside her cottage, was the last to encounter Wolf. She explained that someone knock on her door and when she asked who it is, the voice answered “It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. I’ve brought you some cakes because you’re ill.”

She explained further that when she instructed the voice to lift the latch and asked it come in, she was surprised to see a horrible shadow instead of the pretty little girl.

Grandma remembered that after she saw the shadow, it leapt toward her and swallowed her instantly.

The anonymous hunter narrated that when he stopped by the Grandma’s cottage and was supposed to ask for a drink, he heard a strange whistling sound.

“The wolf! He won’t get away this time!” the anonymous hunter said before killing Wolf.

According to the anonymous hunter, he cut open the wolf’s stomach and to his amazement, out popped Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood, safe and unharmed.

Hood’s mother arrived on the afternoon.

“We must always keep to the path and never stop. That way, we come to no harm!” Hood said to her mother.###

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